Kelly Ames and Tim Grogan Wedding

Welcome and Zoom Wedding Log In details are listed below. We’re looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday!

Welcome to our wedding! On Saturday, August 22nd, at 6:15 pm we will be starting our Zoom Wedding and are looking forward to seeing you all with us LIVE!

If you are not a current Zoom user, we would suggest that you begin your connection process at least 30 minutes early. Start by clicking on the following link:

Reception and Dinner Link:

Once download is complete, Install the application, enter your name and join the meeting.

NOTE: There will not be anyone to chat with for help during the hours before the wedding, so please make sure you are all set up and ready to go well beforehand. Even today if you’d like!

On Saturday, after you are logged in, you will be placed into a “virtual” waiting room and we’ll let everyone in about 6:05 pm. Once the ceremony starts we will no longer be able to let people in from the waiting room. So please be on line and ready to go no later than 6:05.

Important! Once the connection is open, be sure to note these two important Icons along the bottom of the Zoom Window: The 1st is a small microphone icon and next to that is a small video camera icon. The microphone (audio) should have a red bar thru it to indicate that is is muted. After the ceremony when talking with the couple, just click on the mic icon to un-mute. So we don’t have everyone talking at once, just wait until you are requested to talk. The video camera should not have a bar thru it. That way we can see you. When you are initially connected you will be given an option to test your camera and audio. Go thru the test to make sure everything is working.

Again the Zoom Wedding Link:

Our Wedding Website is at: Enter: Fishing